Hello Year 5
I’m sorry that some of you have had to be at home this week. I hope you are starting to feel better. If you are feeling a bit better, and feel ready to take a look at some of things that have been happening in Year 5 this week, here are some PowerPoints for you to see …
Maths – Take a look at the Multiplication PowerPoint to see how we use the ‘Area Model’ to multiply and then how we move on to a more formal method. Within this, you will see some pre-loads that will help with some of the calculations. All you need are some pieces of paper to have a go at the questions as go along.
Science – This week we moved on to learning about ‘Friction’. Here is a Friction PowerPoint for you to take a look at. Can you create your own investigation to test whether different surfaces have high friction or low friction?
Spellings – Perhaps you could ask someone to test you on last weeks spellings? Here is the Spelling PowerPoint, with Adverbs of time, with this week’s spellings for you learn.
Looking forward to seeing you in school when you have recovered.
With best wishes
Mrs Mitchell