It was so exciting and such a pleasure to take our Abbey Road School and Wellbeing Council representatives to County Hall today!  The girls attended a Pupil Parliament meeting alongside other primary schools from the Rushcliffe borough and did Abbey Road proud, debating whether Jaffa Cakes are biscuits or cakes and then, more seriously, offered their opinion as to whether Covid restrictions should be lifted or not.  In true House of Commons style, the girls had to stand if they want to speak and then had to cast their vote in a parliamentary ‘Ayes to the right, noes to the left’ fashion.  They learnt so much about how Parliament operates and have so much to share with our School and Wellbeing Council and indeed, the whole school!

They will meet our local MP, Ruth Edwards, at the next session in June and are already busy thinking about what they can discuss with her!

Roll on June!

Alexandra Phillips