
About Alex Phillips

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So far Alex Phillips has created 68 blog entries.
14 06, 2024

Our Last Pupil Parliament for 2023/24!

By |2024-06-14T21:10:52+01:00June 14th, 2024|Homepage Slider, School Council|

What an eventful last Pupil Parliament we had today!  Our Pupil Parliament reps had a wonderful time.  The afternoon started with an inspiration talk by Sam Oldham, an Olympian gymnast.  The children were transfixed and listened to every word.  Sam spoke to the children about how when he was young he had a lot [...]

17 11, 2023

A SPOTacular Children in Need Day at Abbey Road!

By |2023-11-19T17:26:07+00:00November 17th, 2023|Homepage Slider, News, School Council, Welcome|

We have had a wonderful day fundraising for Children in Need!  All the children looked absolutely SPOTacular in their non-uniform.  The Duck Race was a huge hit and so much fun - well done to 5DM and Rainbows for their winning ducks!  Additionally, throughout the day, the children took part in Run Pudsey - [...]

13 11, 2023

Odd Socks Day at Abbey Road!

By |2023-11-13T20:08:50+00:00November 13th, 2023|Homepage Slider, News, School Council, Special Events, Welcome|

Abbey Road kick started our Anti-Bullying Week with Odd Socks Day!  It was lovely to see the children celebrating that we are all unique by wearing their odd socks.  The children have been tasked with designing their very own version and I think you will agree, we have some future designers in our midst! [...]

6 07, 2023

Year 3 Scooter Workshop

By |2023-07-06T22:00:33+01:00July 6th, 2023|Homepage Slider, Welcome, Year 3|

Year 3 had a great time learning tricks and skills from world scootering champion, Terry Price.  Terry started the day by showing the children some of the amazing stunts he can do on his scooter (including a back flip on a low ramp!).  During the day, the children were then treated to a workshop [...]

11 06, 2023

An Amazing Afternoon at Pupil Parliament!

By |2023-06-11T20:38:09+01:00June 11th, 2023|Homepage Slider, News, School Council|

It was lovely to have our two Year 5 School Council representatives join our final Pupil Parliament session of the year at County Hall.  The girls were so excited to attend and, despite never having been before, took part in a debate, giving their opinions in front of many primary schools from the borough.  [...]

6 06, 2023

3SP Visit to Brackenhurst Agricultural College

By |2023-06-06T18:05:49+01:00June 6th, 2023|Homepage Slider, News, Year 3|

3SP have had a lovely day at Brackenhurst Agricultural College in Nottinghamshire.  The day was themed around the concept "from field to fork", whereby the children enjoyed learning how much of our food relies on farming. Through a variety of activities, the children explored the benefits of composting, sustainable methods of farming and how [...]

5 05, 2023

3SP Enjoy A Hip Hop Dance Afternoon

By |2023-05-05T20:25:22+01:00May 5th, 2023|News, Welcome, Year 3|

Class 3SP had a wonderful afternoon with the fabulous Vanessa from VCreate.  After discussing the concept of choreography, Vanessa taught the class some funky hip-hop dance moves, which they then put together to make a show-stopping dance routine.  The children were absolutely amazing and learned the routine incredibly quickly.  It was so nice to [...]

10 02, 2023

Pupil Parliament and Kids Against Plastic (KAP)

By |2023-02-10T19:58:01+00:00February 10th, 2023|Homepage Slider, School Council|

Pupil Parliament and Kids Against Plastic (KAP) Last week, our Pupil Parliament representatives Lily and Millie, went to Nottinghamshire County Council Headquarters to take part in the second Pupil Parliament meeting of the academic year.  The girls took part in a very interesting debate about striking, going on to take part in a discussion [...]

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