
About petegood

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So far petegood has created 112 blog entries.
14 11, 2023

Autumn 2 – Learning Letter

By |2023-11-14T13:10:08+00:00November 14th, 2023|Year 4|

Welcome back to school. It was great to see all the children relaxed and rested after half-term. The highlight of this half-term was our residential trip to Hathersage which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. The children were fantastic throughout the entirety of the trip, getting involved in every activity all with a huge smile [...]

21 03, 2023

Parenting Workshop Slides (March 2023)

By |2023-03-21T15:02:09+00:00March 21st, 2023|News|

March 2023 saw our parent workshop in school,  discussing how to understand and manage challenging behaviours, led by the Tackling Emerging Threats to Children Team. Although not all slides will make sense on their own, the presentation includes informative video clips and several useful links to resources at the end, which we thought were [...]

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