Abbey Gardens

Everything about Abbey Gardens

20 03, 2022

Tree Planting

By |2022-03-20T19:37:48+00:00March 20th, 2022|Abbey Gardens, Eco Council, Homepage Slider, News, Year 4|

Eco Club wanted to improve our school grounds and decided that planting more trees would be good for the environment. It would provide more shade for pupils as well as provide new habitats for many different animals. We contacted the Woodland Trust and applied for a selection of trees. To our delight, 30 young [...]

28 02, 2022

Year 2 Gardening Club: Leaf Collecting Bin

By |2022-02-28T23:52:26+00:00February 28th, 2022|Abbey Gardens, News, Year 2|

After collecting more leaves over the last few weeks, we went to look at the leaf collection bin. Imagine our surprise when we found it full of sticks and branches. Without hesitation, the children set to removing all the sticks and branches until it was empty. Then they filled the bin with all of [...]

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