Year 6 News
6G WW2 Shelters
Year 6 had a great time exploring our History topic last half term. There were many highlights but one of them was definitely making our model air-raid shelters. For some, the best part was designing their shelter using 3D software online; for some it was bring their design to life; and for some, it [...]
Abbey Road at Tour of Britain!
Children (and their parents) from our school bike club had great fun cheering the riders at the Tour of Briatan and some of our y6 children (selected by Bikability) were lucky enough to ride at the start of the race!
Learning Letter – Autumn 1
Welcome back from your summer break and welcome to Year 6! We have lots of interesting plans for the year ahead and we look forward to jumping in! Please click this link to download our learning letter where we outline the topics we will be covering this term and give you information about life [...]
Y6 Bike Club Residential
Year 6 Forest School Session!
As part of our Health Week, all of the children are taking part in a Forest School session. Today we were lucky enough to be joined by the Year 6's. We wanted to make our FS area look more bright and cheerful so tasked the children with painting one of our logs with outdoor [...]
Year 6 Biking Holme Pierrepont
Prior to our Y6 Bike Club Residential some of the children have been practising riding different terrain and staying together as a group. Yet again the children impressed us with their bike skills, positive attitudes and commitment. Well done to all of you - it was a pleasure to be out cycling with you! [...]
Forest School fire starters!
In our session, we created our own Hapa-Zome bunting to decorate the Forest School area. Quite literally meaning ‘leaf dye’, hapa-zome is the Japanese technique of smashing flowers and leaves into fabric. All of the creations looked fantastic and we think they make an excellent and very fitting addition to our pergola. After quite [...]
Year 6 SATs week!
We did it! After so long building up to this week, it finally arrived - and we were ready! The teachers have been so pleased with the way each member of Year 6 has approached SATs with a smile on their face. The atmosphere in our classrooms has been so positive and inspiring and [...]