This week we have been learning about the plastic in the ocean and the harm that it does to the sea creatures.
We have sorted plastic and cardboard in our recycling area , this is something that you could practise at home.
We reused a plastic bag to make a kite after listening to the story “Somebody swallowed Stanley.”
The trip to the library was a hot one, but the children did so well and you can be very proud of them.
They walked in the heat without moaning and listened to the story beautifully.
We learnt about the summers reading challenge , hopefully you will be able to complete this in the summer holidays.
We worked hard outside turning our sand pit into a blue flag beach by removing all of the rubbish!
In Maths this week we have been learning about capacity.
We learnt that the tallest container didn’t always hold the most.
We loved experimenting outside in the water tray.
Some child led learning from this week.