Welcome back to you all, for our final term in Foundation.
We start our mini-beast topic by learning about spiders.
We threaded our own webs and learnt that all webs look different.
We have learnt lots of new knowledge about spiders and their body parts.
Your child should be able to tell you lots of new information that they have learnt.
In Forest Schools we had fun climbing on the spiders web and using rope to spin our own spiders webs.
It was quite a challenge!
We drew some fantastic spider sketches and learnt the body parts of the spider as we drew.
We learnt that spiders can have up to 12 eyes and that they haveĀ an abdomen , feelers andĀ spinnerets .
On Friday everyone looked fantastic in their earth colour clothes.
We were given a class spider plant to look after and we went on a mini-beast hunt.
We found so many different creatures hiding in the forest school area and allotments.