Good morning everyone,

We hope you all had a terrific Tuesday – even if the weather was a bit cold and miserable. Today it’s:

Watch Mrs Avery’s class greeting this morning to listen to this funny story from Dr Seuss.

Your first Teams’ assignment of the week is today – see your Geography lesson later this afternoon. The next one will be on Friday (Literacy) so more about that later in the week.

We’ve pasted a quick reminder of your daily routine here to help you keep track of what you should be doing, but you can do this in an order that suits your working pattern at home.

Catch up with the Ice Palace in Guided Reading:


Warm-up: Keep practising your spellings. This week: Week 5: Adding the suffix ‘ion’ to words ending in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’.  If you have lost your booklet you can click on the link below, it will take you to the correct page.


Main task:  Today you’ll begin writing the next chapter in Ivan’s story. Watch Mr Marshall’s video to find out how you can make your writing even better.


Warm-up: Keep practising your times-tables. We’ve been doing lots of work on these now, so I’m sure you’re all becoming experts. Keep up the work on Times-Tables Rockstars or whatever method works for you. Remember the Times Tables Wheels are on Monday’s post if you need them.

Main task: Today we’re going to explore multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers practically.

There’s a mistake on Tiny’s slide in the film. We are trying to fix the video. Tiny thinks 150 x 3 = 45 not 150 x 4 = 45!

Watch the video: edited video:

Complete the activity: Practical Maths activity

The answers to question 2 are at the end of the video.

Geography Water: Will I ever see that glass of water again?

This week we’re going to find out why water is so important.

Login to your Teams account to complete the assignment.

If you have trouble accessing your Teams, you can download the PDF here:

Lesson 2 Geography Why is water important? input

and download the template for Task 2 here (although you can use your own design):

Task 2 Geography water task- Droplets

Remember to either submit your work via Teams or email it to:

Don’t forget to login in for your Teams’ meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00 am.

In case you had difficulty obtaining the “Gallery” view it is best to download the App rather than using the web-based Teams!

See you all tomorrow.