Dear Parents / Carers,

Good morning Fri-yay again! The children are doing so well and we are impressed by the work we have received on Teams. Thank you for supporting your child to access this – it really helps us feel in touch with all the children.

Here is todays home schooling…..


We are going to start the day with a spelling test! Only a little low key one! Click here to do the spelling test with Mrs Boughton.

The new spellings are following the ‘nk’ pattern. Click here to see Mrs Boughton introduce the new spellings and give you a fun activity to have a go at your spellings. (You will need some paper, pens, scissors and 6 cuddly toys!)

New words:    think     drink   pink    sink   bank   junk

Once you have done the practising can you try and do this  wordsearch,  if you can’t print it just look on screen and see if you can spot the spellings.

Finally, please write a sentence for each spelling word in your school work book. Remember to start with a capital and finish with a full stop.


Phonics with Rosie today – follow the link here. It is available from 9.30.  Remember to do set 3 speed sound activity and then the spelling activity.


We are doing some more subtraction today. Please watch this video and then do this   Maths worksheet.   When you are taking away or subtracting make sure you count back carefully – not like Tiny in the video – count back when you jump back. Good luck!

As an extra challenge you might like to have a go at playing this game on your tablet or laptop, select number bonds then number bonds to 10.

Can you get a better score than Mrs Boughton?


We are all having to deal with quite strange times at the moment and its important to take time to rest, breath and feel proud of what we have. This afternoon we are going to start with a little bit of calm yoga, this is about a type of transport – not a bus but a dump truck! You will need quite a bit of space for this and it is about 17 minutes so if you would rather to it in two sessions then that is fine. Click here for yoga.

Once you have enjoyed the yoga we are going to do a little task about being thankful for all the things we have and all the things we are lucky to have.

Mrs Boughton will explain the activity here.

Please feel free to send in any photos of your thankful chains. We would love to see them.

Have a good and safe weekend.