We spent last term learning how to log onto our new school laptops. Our Teams usernames and passwords are quite long but with weekly practice at school and extra practice at home, nearly all of us are able to log on independently. Mrs Lever, Mrs Turner and Mrs Marshall are extremely proud of all the children for their perseverance and more recently of their super support of their friends when things aren’t quite right.
This term we have been using an amazing website https://www.j2e.com/jit5 to learn about pictograms. The children have learnt to add data to a given pictogram, build their own pictograms and ask and answer questions such as:
Which is the most popular……?
Which is the least popular …..?
What is the difference between …. and ……?
How many people like ….?
How many people were asked in total?
One child even asked: What is the second least favourite…..?