Year 3 have had a fantastic couple of days at Camp Redwood!

There was a flutter of anticipation yesterday as we piled our many (many!!!) things onto the bus and travelled for Camp Redwood. As soon as we got there, the children took in the amazing scenery, unpacked their belongings into the tents, and gathered around the campfire to learn about all the exciting activities they would be participating in.

After hearing a little bit more about the camp the children were separated into smaller groups. Over the next two days, each group took part in a variety of fun activities including; archery, axe-throwing, scavenger hunting, orienteering, den building,  mini-beast identifying, team games, bushcraft and fire-lighting. The children weren’t afraid to get stuck in and we were amazed by the resilience, teamwork, skill, creativity and enthusiasm all of them displayed when taking part in these tasks.

In the evening we enjoyed a fantastic fish and chip takeaway, followed by a toasted marshmallow and hot chocolate by the campfire. We took a walk into the forest to end the day in search of bats. It was amazing to see so many lovely creatures and hear the sounds of the forest at sunset. On our journey, a handful of our sharp-eyed children were able to see quite a few deer. Once returning to the campsite the children settled down for the night and made themselves comfortable in their cosy tents.

After quite an early start the children all came together to eat breakfast and made their own sandwiches for the day. In our groups, we then took part in our remaining activities. Before we knew it, the day had flown by, and it was time to pack up and head back to school. Before leaving we reflected on our time away from home and shared some of our favourite moments.

With your positive, caring, and mature attitudes throughout our trip, Year 3 certainly made us and Abbey Road School proud. We hope you had a wonderful time and enjoyed making some memories that we hope will last a lifetime.