Happy Monday Year 3! 🙂

We hope you all have managed to do something you enjoy this weekend and allowed yourselves a well-earned break from your schoolwork.  We know it feels strange in so many ways right now but there is still so much to enjoy.  We are focusing on looking for the joy in everyday life whether that be getting out in nature for your daily walk, reading a new book or devouring your favourite sweet treat.  It would be lovely to hear about the joys in your everyday lives.

Did any of you complete the RSPB Birdwatch in your garden. We would live to know what you spotted in your hour of birdwatching.  I wonder who mamaged to see the most birds land in their garden?  I wonder who managed to see the greatest amount of types of birds?

We hope you have re-energised read for this week’s learning tasks.  As always, remember, we are here for you should you need anything just send us an email at


Today’s suggested learning timetable:

Before 9 am – Breakfast and dressed ready for the day!

9.00a.m. Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga, Just Dance or why not try this weblink –

9.30 am Guided Reading

9.50 am Take a break

10.00 am Maths

10.45 am Take a break

11.00 English

11.45 am Try some mindfulness colouring

12.00 Take a break for lunch

12.45 pm Handwriting

1.00 pm Science

2.00 pm Personal choice of: Creative play / reading/mindfulness / Lego / Drawing / cooking or crafting / walking / playing outside

Guided Reading;

For today’s guided reading task we would like you to read Chapter 5 of Dinosaur Trouble. there is no teams task today! Click on the link below to read it or access it through TEAMS.  It is now in word and pdf format so click on the link that works best for you!

Chapter 5 Dinosaur Trouble

Chapter 5 Dinosaur Trouble


We are so pleased with the way you are working hard at multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers. Today we are looking in more detail at remainders. Watch the video below, then have a go at the worksheets.  No need to print, look on screen and write your answers on paper. The answers are also included as a link – don’t cheat!

Monday sheets

Monday answers


Your Iron Man writing has literally blown us away. We are so impressed with the level of detail you are using and how you keeping the reader entertained and interested with your adjectives, sentence openers and that mature ‘show not tell’ technique!  Well done!
Today we are gong to look at another text type that we will link to Iron Man later in the week.  Newspaper reports are a non-fictional report about something.  Today you will learn about giraffes – Mrs Seagrave’s favourite animal!
Literacy lesson-
BBC bitesize clip/tasks-
The article-


Practise this week’s spelling by writing them beautifully and neat on the lines. Look carefully at which letters are tall, how letters join and which letters go below the line.  Try and keep all your letters within the guidelines! Click on the link below – you don’t have to print!  Word and PDF format below.




In today’s history lesson, we introduce our new historical enquiry question when do you think it was better to live the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?

In order to answer this question, we will be using the first lesson to recap our Stone Age learning and writing a list of advantages/disadvantages at living in this time period. We will also be having a look at a timeline together to understand when these periods of time took place. As always we would love to see how you get on so please feel free to e-mail us any of your history work.

In the recorded lesson Miss Moore asks you to pause and watch a clip, the link for that is below. Enjoy :).


Take care, stay safe and enjoy!

Year 3 Team!