Year 3 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Happy Monday Year 3! 🙂

Welcome back to learning from home!  We hope you have managed to have a break, relax, have lots of fun and do things you enjoy.  Now, we hope you are re-energised ready for another fun week of home learning!  We have got some new exciting topics we are looking forward to revealing to you this week! Watch this space…!

As always, remember, we are here for you should you need anything just send us an email at

Today’s suggested learning timetable:

Before 9 am – Breakfast and dressed ready for the day!

9.00a.m. Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga, Just Dance or why not try this weblink   – Copy and paste the link into your browser – do some movement while sat at a table or desk. These ideas have come courtesy of an Abbey Road parent!

9.30 am Guided Reading

9.50 am Take a break

10.00 am Maths

10.45 am Take a break

11.00 English

11.45 am Try some mindfulness colouring

12.00 Take a break for lunch

12.45 pm Handwriting

1.00 pm Computing – Branching databases part 2

2.00 pm Personal choice of: Creative play / reading/mindfulness / Lego / Drawing / cooking or crafting / walking / playing outside

Guided Reading;

For today’s guided reading task we would like you to read Chapter 8 of Dinosaur Trouble. there is no teams task today! Click on the link below to read it or access it through TEAMS.

Dinosaur Trouble Chapter 8


Today we start a new unit called Statistics.  This is just a posh and complicated word for organising and sorting information, then answering questions about what it shows!  Watch the video below then complete the worksheet using the link.  As always, do not feel the need to print out the sheets, look at them on screen and write your answers on paper at home.  Mark your own work using the answer links afterwards!Monday maths sheet     Monday maths answers


Today we start a new book ‘Tin Forest’. In the recorded lesson Miss Moore will read the story but if you would  prefer to read it yourselves we have also attached a PDF of the book below. In today’s lesson we are looking carefully at  the main character describing him and using our inference skills to think about how he might be feeling.  As explained in the recorded lesson there are worksheets you can print or just written on to paper is fine. We hope you enjoy the new book and that it really gets you thinking….

Today’s worksheets (if wanting to print)-

Tin Forest- Character description

PDF of the Tin Forest book-



Practise this week’s spelling by writing them beautifully and neat on the lines. Look carefully at which letters are tall, how letters join and which letters go below the line.  Try and keep all your letters within the guidelines! Click on the link below – you don’t have to print!


Computing / Information Technology

Before the half term break we began looking at the game of Guess Who and then began making branching databases about our family and friends.  Today we look at this again but begin to have a go at sorting information about dinosaurs.  Watch the video below and if you want, use the attached worksheets and Top Trump cards to help you create your own branching database about dinosaurs!

Take care, stay safe and enjoy!

Year 3 Team!

By |2021-02-22T08:13:37+00:00February 19th, 2021|Year 3|

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