Hello Year 3,

We want to start today’s post by saying a big thank you to so many of you for sending us more wonderful forest school and prehistoric house pictures, your ideas exceeded our expectations- well done! If you would like to have a look at your friends getting involved with these tasks, have a look at the albums on our Year 3 page.

Today’s suggested timetable:

Before 9 am – wake up, have breakfast and get ready for the day!

9.00 am 3ST TEAMS Call with your class to hear the end of ‘The IronMan’ 3M is at 10.30 am

9.30 am Maths

10.30 Break

10.45 am History

11.30   PE with Joe Wicks / Cosmic Yoga / Just Dance / Go Noodle

Why not have a go at this today? Copy and paste this link to move and look at adding money and giving change in preparation for our maths tomorrow!


12.00 Lunchtime

12.45 pm Guided Reading

1.00 pm Information Technology / Computing

2.00 pm Personal choice of: Creative play / reading/mindfulness / Lego / Drawing / cooking or crafting / walking / playing outside

Guided Reading

As you are all doing such a wonderful job with our history topic, we thought today’s guided reading task should be to help us to learn more about the prehistoric ages. Read the article carefully about an archeologist’s surprising discovery that makes us realise the people in the prehistoric times may not have been as different to us as we might have initially thought! Once you have read the article try your best to answer the comprehension questions!

Reading comp- prehistoric discoveries

Answers- Reading comp prehistoric discovies answers


Usually, we put aside Thursday for some Times Table Rock Stars time.  This week, we are keen to finish the money unit of work.  Feel free to continue to practise your times tables in TTRS over the half-term break!

Yesterday in maths, we added money and amounts.  Today we are looking at the inverse of this and subtracting money and amounts.  Watch the video, then have a go at the worksheets below by clicking on the link.  Please do not feel you have to print, look on screen and write your answers on paper at home.  Use the answers link to mark and check your own work.

Thursday sheet

Thursday answers

Teams meetings- 

3ST- 9:00-9:30am

3M 10:30- 11am 

We are so pleased so many of you feel confident enough to share a snippet of your lockdown lives by doing show and tell. It really makes us smile seeing you passionately talking about adorable pets, achievements and a host of other exciting things. We plan on carrying this on so if you do feel like you would like to share something  (it really can be anything) please just e-mail and let us know.

We also hope to discuss our historical enquiry question so bring your notes as we are keen to hear which age you would rather live in and the evidence for your decision! We can’t wait to bounce off and build on each other’s ideas for this and hope it helps you with your writing task later this morning :)!


In today’s lesson, we are asking you to write down the answer to our historical enquiry question, which age would you rather live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age? We hope that the teams call has given you a chance to share and build on your initial ideas. We know that you all have such interesting justifications for your choices and are really looking forward to reading them. Once you have written your response and drawn/labelled your picture we would like to see your answers so please send them to- year3@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk

Remember there is no such thing as a wrong answer this task as long as you are using evidence to support your opinion!
Worksheet if you would like to print- Enquiry question worksheet

Information Technology / Computing

Whilst many of us are home learning, we are learning many new computing skills.  The teachers too have learned a phenomenal amount of new technology skills in the last few weeks.  The computing that we are doing today is going to be mainly paper-based as it is difficult for us all to be able to use the same software when working remotely.  Copy and paste then watch the video below and have a go at creating your own branching databases!
The Guess who game to download and print should you wish to is here:
There are some branching database blanks here should you wish to use them – however you are welcome to create your own.
Finish the day with a story…
We know how keen you all were to carry on reading the final 2 chapters of ‘The Iron Man’.  Having read your story ideas and Chapter 2 with a twist, we think you might have even done a better job than Ted Hughes!  Listen to the story and see if it ends as you expected.  Would you have finished the story in another way? If you do want to hear the final two chapters you can either listen to it being read on Youtube by following the links or read the PDF of the story for yourselves. We hope you enjoy the ending!The+Iron+Man (1)

As always, if you have any problems or questions we are only a message away.

Thank you for your continued support and kind messages.

Year 3 Team