Good Morning Year 3!

How are you this morning? We hope you are well?  Here is today’s learning. We hope you find it fun and engaging.

As always, remember, we are here for you should you need anything just send us an email at

Today’s suggested learning timetable:

Before 9 am – Breakfast and dressed ready for the day!

9.00a.m. Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga, Just Dance or Go Noodle. Why not try copying and pasting this link – move while practising your times tables!

9.30 am Guided Reading

9.50 am Take a break

10.00 am Maths

10.45 am Take a break

11.00 History

11.45 am Watch Mrs Toom’s assembly

12.00 Take a break for lunch

12.45 pm Do some quiet reading for pleasure.

1.00 pm PSHE

1.30 pm Class teams meeting

2.00pm PE

2:30pmPersonal choice of: Creative play / reading/mindfulness / Lego / Drawing / cooking or crafting / walking / playing outside

Guided Reading

Each week, we will set the Guided Reading tasks on TEAMS and would really like you to send your responses to it in this way.  However, if you struggle to access the resources we will insert them into the webpage each day too.  Even if you access the materials here, where possible, please submit your answers via TEAMs. If all else fails email your work to:


This week’s questions: In word and PDF format

Guided Reading week 6

Guided Reading week 6

The chapter to refer to:

Dinosaur Trouble Chapter 6

Dinosaur Trouble Chapter 6

Don’t feel you need to print off the worksheet – you can create your own table to show the reasons why Nosy and Banty’s parents don’t want them to be friends.

The sheet is below for reference:

Banty and Nosy

Banty and Nosy

Mrs Toom’s assembly

This week Mrs Toom’s assembly is all about things we could do to boost our wellbeing. Last week we spoke about how important it is to look after not only our physical health but also our mental health. We would love to hear some of the things that you do at home to help you feel brighter/see you trying out some of the ideas from the assembly.


Watch the video below to practise combining pounds and pence and then converting it. Can you have a go at writing the £ sign?    There is no need to print out the worksheets – look at them on screen and write your answers on paper at home.  Use the answer links to check and mark your own work! Practise afterwards using real money! Raid your piggy banks!!

In today’s history lesson, we are learning more about the Iron Age. We will look at homes, job roles, religions and farming. Whilst listening to the videos/recorded lesson we would like you to take notes to allow you to gather as much evidence to support your answer to historical enquiry question.  Enjoy 🙂
If you would like to print the template: Iron Age research
Extra video clips-
If you wanted to do further research about the Iron Age, this is an excellent website to help you add detail to your notes!


You should have received a TEAMS invite asking if you would like to join your classmates and teachers in a virtual meeting.  We are really looking forward to seeing lots of your smiling faces :).

Our PSHE today brings our dreams and goals unit to an end.  Although your dreams and goals should never end!
Today we think about how we are ALWAYS learning , no matter how old we are.  Everybody learns something new each day and we need to celebrate this and understand that we can’t know everything all the time and that mistakes and challenges should be seen as positive parts of the learning journey we all take throughout our lives.  Copy and paste then listen to the video below, then either complete the attached worksheet or design your own at home!


Here is a PE session where you can practise your football skills.

Have a lovely day – you are all doing an amazing job and we are so proud of you all!

Year 3 Team