Year 2 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February

Year 2 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February

Hello Year 2!

We hope you enjoyed learning about the different animal life cycles yesterday!  Just for fun and if you have time, then click on this link for an amazing video about the life cycle of a Chinese Lunar Moth.

Today’s work is for Tuesday, 9th February. When completing tasks, you can either do so electronically (via Microsoft PowerPoint or Word) or by recording work on separate sheets of paper or a notepad.


Maths Assignment: Tuesday 9th February

2MH Meeting Wednesday 10th February 2:30pm


Don’t forget, there will be a delivery of books today (weather dependent)


You will be receiving login details for Yumu – the home school learning version of Charanga, the music scheme, we use in school. This is for after half term. Please check the login details work but do not complete the tasks set, many thanks.



For today’s Guided Reading we would like you to finish listening to the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine.  To do this, click on this link and start the video from 1:02 until it ends.  Today, you will be completing the rest of your book review, so hopefully in yesterday’s lesson you had a good think about how you would answer the question, ‘What was your favourite part of the story and why?’.  It is an explain question (VIPERS) so you must give a reason why.  If you have mislaid the book review form, please find it here.


Calling all Kings and Queens of rhyme!  Today you will be exploring the use of rhyme by Roald Dahl.  Click on this link to find out how you could be crowned the King or Queen of rhyme today!


Don’t forget to practise this weeks spelling pattern.


Today’s maths lesson is a TEAMs assignment: To practise learning the 2 times table

As usual, we would like you to work through the powerpoint and complete the given worksheet. However, it is how you are the practising the skill we would like you send us. Ideas for this can be found on the TEAMs assignment itself. Please submit your work by the end of the day and we will upload them to the website to inspire others for the rest of the weeks work.



The answers can be found here.

You may also find it useful to use this 100 square.

If you would like some extra challenge, then please click on this powerpoint.

In case you cannot play the videos on the challenge powerpoint, please find the clip here.


Don’t forget to practise your mental maths skills on a regular basis. Your log-in details are on the back of your reading diary.


Our PSHE unit this term is Dreams and Goals. Year 2 have been so inspiring taking on new challenges and sharing their success with us. We are so proud of you all. Last week you were asked to design a garden of hopes and dreams. A happy place you can think of when things are a bit tough or you just need cheering up. Your designs have certainly made us smile. This week is a creative challenge to add something to your garden. Please watch this narrated powerpoint by Mrs Worton to explain the lesson. 


In Spanish this term we are learning the names for fruits. Click here for the Language Angels website. The user name and password you need is: 



Select ‘Dashboard’, Click the Spanish flag, select Unit 5: La Fruta, lesson 5. You have all now completed this unit of work, so for this week I would like you to practise your new knowledge. Go to the games arcade and have a go at your choice of games to reinforce your learning. Use the ‘less challenging’ column and go to La FrutaTrust me some of those games are challenging. Have fun! 


You may have read in the press that Oak National Academy are providing a Virtual School Library, they are releasing a book a week with activities provided.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

The Year 2 Team

By |2021-02-08T15:36:54+00:00February 8th, 2021|News, Year 2|

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