Year 3 Remote Learning Friday 22nd January 2021

Year 3 Remote Learning Friday 22nd January 2021

Year 3 Remote Learning Friday 8th January


Before 9 am – wake up, have breakfast and get ready for the day!

9.00 am Guided Reading task – Microsoft Teams

9.30 am Break

9:45 PE with Mrs Turner

10:30 Take a break and cool down!

10:50  Maths

11:35  Read a book of choice/school reading book

11:55 am Lunchtime

1.00 pm Spanish

2.00 pm RE

3.00 pm Story Time with Miss Moore

We don’t like to set extra homework, but for the Science session on Monday you will need some blu-tack or play-dough, or modelling clay, or plasticine.  If you haven’t got any at home there is a link below to a non-bake dough recipe using simple store cupboard ingredients. There is no need to use food colouring.  You can also use it to play with afterwards too if you store it in an air tight bag or container!

dough recipe

Guided Reading

Use Microsoft Teams to complete the Friday section of your assignment.  Remember to press ‘turn in’ for it to be submitted for feedback.

If you cannot access Teams for whatever reason you can use the documents uploaded below. Please e-mail any of your responses to

WCGR week 3

Chapter 3- Dinosaur Trouble


It’s time for your Friday morning athletics session. Watch the below YouTube clip where Mrs Turner talks you through the warm up, main activity and cool down for your 3rd session on long distance running.


Watch the video below, then have a go at the sheets below. There is no need to print them out – look at them on screen and write your answers on paper at home.  Challenge yourself to do Gold too.  Click on the answers link and mark your own maths!

Friday sheets

Friday Gold

Friday answers


This week we are continuing to learn all about family members and we would like you to have a go at lesson 3. Before you begin, test your knowledge… How many new words can you remember from last week?

In this lesson you will learn how to ask and answer the question: Do you have a brother or sister? You will also complete a listening activity based on a variety of children introducing themselves and saying how old they are, where they live, if they have brothers/sisters and what they are called.

Please watch the lesson PowerPoint. Then there is a worksheet that you can print out or complete verbally. There are also interactive games and even a catchy karaoke song. Enjoy :).

spanish week 3

Login details: 
Username:   AbbeyR1403

Password:    lahome

We are ‘intermediate level’ and Unit 3: La Familia.


This week we will be asking “Why is the Bible important to Christians?” and finding out about the 10 Commandments. Click on the below PPT, read the information and complete the task on the final slide.

RE Week 3


Time to unwind with a good book:

Have a fantastic and restful weekend everyone – put away your schoolwork, relax and re-energise for another fun week of remote learning. We do hope you are finding the learning engaging and as interesting as possible under the circumstances.

Remember we are here to help – email us on

Happy weekend!

Year 3 Team

By |2021-01-21T15:44:52+00:00January 21st, 2021|Year 3|

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