Well done Year 5 for another lovely week. We have been so impressed with how sensible and conscientious you have been – as always.
Your homework has been inspired by our class book ‘The Boy and the Back of the Class’ . For homework, we would like you to decide upon a piece of fruit to bring into school on Tuesday 22nd June. We are going to be writing a description of the fruit, in school, so it would be lovely if you could have this ready, in front of you, on Tuesday. This needs to be a fruit, not anything else (definitely not nuts) and should be ready to eat so please make sure it is washed, chopped and fully prepared – depending on the fruit you have selected. For example, if it’s something like melon, it needs to be sliced and placed in a sealed tub so it can be eaten straight after we have used it during our lesson. Only you will handle, and then eat, your fruit.
We look forward to seeing what you bring in on Tuesday.
Here is this week’s PowerPoint and has your spellings shown within it. These words do not fit a particular pattern and will need careful practice. Remember to write these for a few minutes each day to help you learn them. You can also use Spelling Shed to play games with the words.