We did it! After so long building up to this week, it finally arrived – and we were ready! The teachers have been so pleased with the way each member of Year 6 has approached SATs with a smile on their face. The atmosphere in our classrooms has been so positive and inspiring and we couldn’t be more proud! All we ever asked is that the children did their best, and that is exactly what happened. Each day the class knuckled down, focused on showing their understanding in each test. Then, each afternoon, we had fun doing a range of Art, DT, PE.

To celebrate the end of the week, we made our own Maya-inspired dip to enjoy with some nachos. Then we headed outside and had a lovely picnic with our friends in the sunshine followed by a MASSIVE game of capture-the-flag! What a great week!

All year long the teachers have been telling the children (to their shock) that SATs week is one of the best weeks of the year. I think they finally believe us now. :o)