Good morning 😊

We hope you had a great start to your week yesterday. Did you enjoy designing your own planet? We’re so excited to learn about them today when you send us your Literacy work on Teams. Please remember that you must send us every piece of work that we specifically ask for (we usually ask for a mixture of Teams work and emails each week). However, if you ever have any problems uploading your work using Teams, you can email it to us using -we don’t mind how we receive your work, the important thing is that we get to view it. You’ve all done such wonderful work over the past couple of weeks and we really are so very proud of you and all of your efforts 😊

Below you will find your activities and lessons for today.

Have a good one!

Miss Healey and Mrs Mitchell


Please click here to watch the video of Mrs Mitchell reading some more of our year group book, Wonder.

Guided Reading

Please click here for today’s guided reading activity.


Today we would like to see your Literacy work please. We have set up an assignment on Teams, but if you can’t upload your work to Teams please remember to email it to us on We are excited to read all about your newly identified (and designed) planets! Here is the link for today’s video lesson and here is the worksheet (these can also be found on your Teams assignment).


Today, we would like you to spend your maths lesson time rehearsing your times tables. It is so important that you are confident with these number facts when we explore multiplication and division. The quicker you are with the times tables facts, the more easily you will be able to draw on that knowledge to support you when we move onto calculating using larger factors. Please use Times Tables Rockstars to rehearse all of the times tables facts, but if you know there are a couple that you find more difficult (e.g your seven or eight times table), please spend extra time on these. You could draw them as quickly as possible, write them using pencil crayons, gel pens or maybe even in chalk outside (if it’s not raining!). Make it as fun as you can! They are going to be so useful to you in future lessons. We have set a one-day-only battle between 5H and 5DM -let’s see which class can earn the most points today… Good luck!


This week, you are going to continue your exploration of Gustav Holst’s ‘The Planets’. We would like you to send us this piece of work please. It is set up as a Teams assignment, but as we said earlier in this post, if you’re having any problems, please email your work to us instead. Here is the PowerPoint which will guide you through the lesson and here is the worksheet that we will need (these are also saved within your Teams assignment).

If the links to the music on the PowerPoint do not work when you Ctrl then click, here are the links The Planets – V. Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age – Gustav Holst – YouTube   and  The Planets – III. Mercury, the Winged Messenger – Gustav Holst – YouTube


Last week, we shared this document with you. We would like you to pick another activity or two to have a go at this week please. Which netball skills will you choose to develop? Can you learn something new about the sport?

Have a lovely day!