Year 2 Home Learning
WB 25.1.21
Hello Year 2!
How did you get on with your still life drawings yesterday? We would love to see them if you haven’t already emailed them in! It is so nice receiving photos of what you have been learning – do send them in to We may feature some of your lovely photos on the website too!
Today’s work is for Friday, 29th January. When completing tasks, you can either do so electronically (via Microsoft PowerPoint or Word) or by recording work on separate sheets of paper or a notepad.
Please use the email to contact the Year 2 Team at any time and we get back to you the next working day.
For today’s Guided Reading the focus is on summary. To do this today, you will need to complete a book review.
Click here for the narrated powerpoint and here for a copy of the book review template.
In today’s lesson you will be editing your own set of instructions from Thursday. Mrs Horton gives lots of tips in this video on how to edit in a step by step way.
Don’t forget to practise this weeks spelling pattern.
Today we are developing our knowledge of multiplication by drawing pictures to help us understand what multiply / times means. Use this narrated power-point and then complete this worksheet.
Click here for the answer sheet.
If you are struggling to play the videos that feature in today’s power-point presentation, we have saved them separately here:
If your child needs further practise try this worksheetand remember to use equipment first.
Further reasoning tasks can be found here.
Don’t forget to practise your mental maths skills on a regular basis. Your log-in details are on the back of your reading diary.
Today’s lesson has been set as a Teams assignment (DT lesson 3). Please complete the lesson and turn it in today. If you are struggling to access the materials needed for today’s lesson, you can find them below:
You may have read in the press that Oak National Academy are providing a Virtual School Library, they are releasing a book a week with activities provided. This week it is ‘The girl who stole an elephant’- Nizrana Farook.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 Team