What’s going on in the second half of the autumn term? We are looking forward to another busy half term in Y5. Please click on the letter below for more information. letter-autumn 2 By helendussek|2021-11-01T10:15:16+00:00November 1st, 2021|Year 5| You are welcome to share this page, but please ensure you get a parent or carer's permission before sharing images of children, or their names. FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts Cross-country Gallery Cross-country Year 5 Orienteering Gallery Year 5 Orienteering Fun in the snow! Gallery Fun in the snow! Year 5 Ancient Greek Coil Pots Gallery Year 5 Ancient Greek Coil Pots Year 5 Autumn 2 Learning Letter Year 5 Autumn 2 Learning Letter