
About cherrymarshall

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So far cherrymarshall has created 144 blog entries.
16 11, 2023

Florence Nightingale Visit

By |2023-11-16T14:23:50+00:00November 16th, 2023|Homepage Slider, Year 2|

On Monday 13th November, Florence Nightingale and Sydney Herbert came to visit Year 2. The children found out all about her life and had the opportunity to dress up and reenact a scene from the hospital in Scutari. They were able to the handle artefacts from the Victorian era and explore them. [...]

16 11, 2023

PE Autumn 1

By |2023-11-16T14:06:04+00:00November 16th, 2023|News, Year 2|

This half  term we have been practising our gymnastic skills. We learnt different types of rolls such as tucks and logs, balances such as dish and arches and learnt to travel in different ways and at different heights. Towards the end of the unit, we put all our knowledge togather on a variety of [...]

28 06, 2023

Forest Schools during Wellbeing Week

By |2023-06-28T16:45:46+01:00June 28th, 2023|Homepage Slider, News, Special Events, Year 2|

Year 2 enjoyed a wonderful forest schools session on Monday afternoon. We explored different environments around school, created 'snail art' and finished with a delicious smore, using marshmallows that we toasted on the fire! Thank you Mrs Seagrave and Mrs Smith for organising such a lovely afternoon for us all. :) [...]

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