Year 6

Year 6 News

21 01, 2023

Sportshall Athletics

By |2023-01-21T08:40:24+00:00January 21st, 2023|Homepage Slider, Sporting News, Year 6|

Well done to all the children who took part in the Sportshall Athletics Competiton. There was fantastic team work and athletic talent displayed and we now have to wait to see how we performed in comparison to the other schools (there were four evenings of competition with two heats in each). [...]

5 12, 2022

Y5 Orienteering at Rushcliffe Country Park

By |2022-12-05T18:21:21+00:00December 5th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Sporting News, Year 6|

Year 5 had a great morning orienteering (and then playing in the park) at Rushcliffe Country Park. There are 21 orienteering checkpoints spread all around the park. The children had an hour and forty five minutes to try and find as many of them as possible and many of the children found them all! [...]

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