Good morning everyone,

Well we’ve all made it to the end of another week, and to the end of this half term.

We think you are…..AWESOME

Just in case anyone is feeling super enthusiastic about Home Learning next half-term, and is thinking of looking ahead to what will be included, we are going adapt the Year 4 Learning Overview that is published on the website.

Looking ahead we have spotted that our Spring 2 curriculum contained some units of work that would be very tricky to carry out as Home Learning modules. Therefore, we will be swapping the Spring 2 and Summer 1 content around for most subjects.

We are very proud of all the hard work you have been doing at home and we are super impressed with the work you have produced. It was great to see you all in the Teams meeting yesterday and we’re looking forward to hearing all about your holidays in our Teams meeting on Monday 22nd February.

There’s a Teams assignment for Literacy this morning – so remember to try and submit your work through your Teams account – don’t forget to press “Turn in”. 

A quick reminder for those of you who are behind with your assignments – it is never too late and we will always give you feedback.

We’ve pasted a quick reminder of your daily routine here to help you keep track of what you should do next.

After watching your morning greeting, with Mrs Avery and Mr Marshall:

click on the link below to continue with your Guided Reading:


Warm-up: Keep practising your spellings. This week: Week 6: Using the ‘-cian’ used instead of ‘-sion’ when the root word ends in ’c’ or ‘cs’. If you have lost your booklet you can click on the link below, it will take you to the correct page.


Remember to give yourself a test and email the results to us at

Main task: Your task today is to edit, improve and finish your booklet. Remember to send in a picture of  your completed information leaflet/booklet through your Teams account.

Log in to your Teams account to watch the video or watch the video below. Complete your leaflet and check you have included all of the features asked for.

If you’re having difficulty with Teams, watch the video below, complete your information leaflet and email a picture of your work to us at:

Literacy video Friday:


Warm-up: Keep practising your times-tables. The sheets to practise all your times-tables are on Monday’s post.

Give yourself a test and let us know how you got on. Email your result to:

Main task: Today we’re going to continue our work on division. Today we’ll be exploring division with 3-digit numbers.

Watch the video:

Answer the questions: Divide-3-digits-by-1-digit

Check the answers: Divide-3-digits-by-1-digit answers

Geography: Water: Will I ever see that glass of water again?

Our final lesson on water, builds on the work we did yesterday. You’ll find out more about water scarcity in developing countries, what big governments are doing about it and how we can help too.

You can watch and listen to the input of the lesson here:

Here is a copy of the activities you need to complete. You do not need to print out the sheets but make sure you cover the questions or content on them:

Geography drought solutions activity

Geography consequence wheel activity

That’s it, you’ve made it to the end of another week and this half term. We hope you’ve had a Happy Friday and just remember that you are fabulous and amazing. Have a super weekend and half term holiday.

We will see you all on Monday 22nd February either in school or on Teams.

See you all then!!