Good morning everyone,

We hope you had a super weekend. It’s Monday so it’s time to be


It’s a new week, full of promise and possibilities. Time for a fresh start if you need it.

This week, our Class meetings are on Monday and Thursday, so if you’re still reading this you need to log in to your Teams account and join your class mates!

Our Teams’ assignments this week will be on Wednesday (Geography) and Friday (Literacy). 

We’ve pasted a quick reminder of your daily routine here to help you keep track of what you should do today, but you can do this in an order that suits your working pattern at home.

After your Teams meeting, watch Mrs Toom’s assembly by clicking on this link:

Continue to read the Ice Palace with Mrs Avery in Guided Reading:


Warm-up: Keep practising your spellings. This week: Week 5: Adding the suffix ‘ion’ to words ending in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’.  If you have lost your booklet you can click on the link below, it will take you to the correct page.

Spelling weeks 5 and 6

Main task:  Get your dialogue poster ready to help you with your Literacy with Mr Marshall.

Click on the link below to get to your lesson:


PDF of task: Week 5 Monday Dialogue activity


Warm-up: Keep practising your times-tables. We’ve been doing lots of work on these now, so I’m sure you’re all becoming experts. Keep up the work on Times-Tables Rockstars or whatever method works for you.

We’ve posted the extra times-tables sheet here again. We’ll put them up every Monday so they are easy for you to find during the week. Don’t try to do them all at once. Try a different one every day or focus on one particular set that you are struggling with. Know your 2’s, 5’s and 10’s first, then tackle the 4’s and 8’s, followed by the 3’s, 6’s and 9’s and at the end do the 7’s, 11’s and 12’s.












To help you with your times-tables during today’s lesson you can use this Times-tables chart:

Times tables chart

Main task: Today we’ll continue our work on written methods for Multiplication and Division with Mrs Avery.

Watch the video:

Answer the questions: Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit worksheet

Check the answers: Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit answers

Art: Sculpture

This week we’re going to add the final element to our sculpture. We’re going to use the work of painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti to inspire us.

You will need to access videos on the general You-tube channel. As we won’t be with you when you are doing this – as we would at school – make sure your grown-ups know. Have fun with foil!

Sculpture Session 5 Giacometti inspired foil sculptures

We think you will have enjoyed making your foil sculptures. Make sure you bring them along to your next Teams meeting on Thursday to share.

To accept the meeting log in to your Teams account, click on calendar and then click on the class meeting RSVP to accept.

To access the meeting click on calendar, click on meeting and then press join! Good luck!