Good morning everyone,
Happy Thursday. I really like the advice on this one: Share smiles, give more, love more and be happy. It really fits in with our well being theme this week. Let’s all try to follow that advice today.
It’s Thursday, that means our second Teams’ meeting of the week may have already started. It was due to start at 9:00 am, so if you’re not already there, stop reading and login to your Teams’ account.
The next Teams’ assignment will be tomorrow’s Literacy task.
We’ve pasted a quick reminder of your daily routine here to help you keep track of what you should do next.
After taking part in your Teams meeting with either Mr Marshall or Mrs Avery, click on the link below to continue with your Guided Reading:
Warm-up: Keep practising your spellings. This week: Week 6: Using the ‘-cian’ used instead of ‘-sion’ when the root word ends in ’c’ or ‘cs’. If you have lost your booklet you can click on the link below, it will take you to the correct page.
Main task: Today we will check over your writing from yesterday. Using your non-fiction poster, you will look for ways you can edit and improve your leaflet before you continue writing.
Follow the lesson with Mr Marshall:
Warm-up: Keep practising your times-tables. Remember the Times Tables Wheels are on Monday’s post if you need them.
Main task: Today we’re going to continue our work on dividing looking at some problem solving.
Watch the video:
Complete the worksheet: Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit
Check your answers: Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit answers
Our PE focus for this half-term is Athletics. We’ve covered the skills involves in
running, jumping and throwing over the last three weeks. If we were at school, we would now go into teams to practice our new skills and to keep improving. You can do this at home. Run a competition with your siblings or Mum and Dad. What is your pb (personal best) in all three disciplines? Keep a chart, see if you improve.
I’ve spotted some children out and about going for a run or a walk with members of their families. Why not send us a photo of you trying out your skills. You never know we might even get a bit more snow so we can practise our throwing!
Geography Water: Will I ever see that glass of water again?
Don’t worry you’re not on the wrong day and we haven’t made a mistake. We have to do 3 Geography lessons this week in order to get our unit completed before half term. This was because of the day we “missed” back in January when we were all getting ready for home learning.
Today’s question is: What is water scarcity?
Watch the video:
or download the PDF: Geography Session 5 Water around the world
Activities and useful maps if you want them are here: Geography maps and activities for children
Well done, you’ve completed another day of Home learning. Only one more get up. See you all again tomorrow for fantastic Friday.