Home Learning Letter – Year 1
Good Morning everyone,
Only 3 more days to go until we can have a rest from home learning. We wanted to say again how proud we are of you all – you are all superstars!
Here are today’s lessons – Literacy will take a little longer today as you will be writing a story so maths will be shorter 😊.
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Literacy is a Teams assignment today. You will become authors and write your very own space story – we can’t wait to read them! Please turn them in by 4.30. Many thanks.
Reading and spellings
Make a class with your teddies and toys and choose a reading book to read to them. Remember to read with expression! After you’ve read your book, teach your toys your spellings 😊 – soon, mood, food, gloomy, balloon, school – how did they do?
You can either do phonics with Rosie or go onto Phonics Play – play Picnic on Pluto, phase 3, er sound. You can revise all sounds after.
Today is going to be a practical maths lesson.
Can you count up to 100? Can you do 100 star jumps or 100 bunny hops? Now have a look at the splat square and count to 100 pointing to each number as you count. Spend 5 minutes playing each of the following games – Missing number, 1 more 1 less, Lines. For an extra challenge try, Cross and Patterns. Click on the link here.
Finally if you go out for a walk today, go on a number hunt. Practise saying the numbers to a grown up. You could jot them down on a piece of paper and then find them on the hundred splat square when you get home.
Make a map of your heart. Watch Mrs Hicking’s video here.
Finish the day by watching Mrs Toom talk about ways to boost our mental well being. Click here.
Remember to join Mrs Boughton and Mrs Poole at 9.00 tomorrow morning for a class bingo game – sounds like fun!