WB 22.02.21

Dear Parents/Carers,

This post is for work on  Thursday, 25th February­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­. When completing tasks, you can either do so electronically (via Microsoft PowerPoint or Word) or by recording work on separate sheets of paper or a notepad.

Please use the email year2@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk to contact the Year 2 Team at any time and we will get back to you by the next working day.


TEAMs Assignment/TEAMs meeting

Today’s assignment is linked to your Science work. Work through the tasks in the Power-point narrated by Mrs Worton. Please complete and upload Activity 3 to TEAMs.

Class 2WP TEAMs meeting with Mrs Phillips 9.30-10.00am.


Continuing to develop our VIPERS skills with ‘The Spider Weaver’.

For the Power-point Click Here


Today in Literacy you will be using the text ‘Lila and the Secret of the Rain’ to write call and response poems. Have the wordbank you created earlier in the week available to help you.

Click Here for the narrated powerpoint.


There is an assignment added each week to practise Monday’s spellings. Try to use the spelling words in your everyday writing.


Today we are continuing with groups and sharing.

For the Power-point –Click Here

The worksheets you need are below;

Equal groups worksheet

Equal groups answers

extra support worksheet

extra support answers

If you are unable  to open the videos within the Power-point please use these links;Link 1Link 2


Don’t forget to practise your mental maths skills on a regular basis. Your log-in details are on the back of your reading diary.


This half term our new topic is Plants. It is exciting as very soon you will receive your Plant Packs, please keep them in a cool, dark place till next week. This week we are closely observing seeds and bulbs and thinking about similarities and differences. Work though this Power-point narrated by Mrs Worton, completing Activity 1   to sort seeds and bulbs. You may find this extra  Seeds Power-point    helpful.

For Activity 2 use  This sheet   only complete sections 1 & 2  to show what you already know about Plants(think back to Year 1) draw or write your responses and in section 2 write to tell me anything you are unsure of or would like to know more about during our learning.

Activity 3 is your TEAMs assignment task, all the information you need can be found in the Power-point and in your TEAMs assignment. You can print off this magnifying glass sheet if you find it useful Click Here

At the end of Mrs Worton’s Power-point is a link to a short video about Plants we can find outside, if you are unable to open it  use this link.

If you have any questions please email year2@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk

Kind regards,

The Year 2 Team