Year 2 Home Learning Wednesday 24th February

Year 2 Home Learning Wednesday 24th February

WB 22.2.21

Hello Year 2!

Today’s work is for Wednesday, 24th February. When completing tasks, you can either do so electronically (via Microsoft PowerPoint or Word) or by recording work on separate sheets of paper or a notepad.

Use the email to contact the Year 2 Team at any time and we will get back to you by the next working day.



Today’s Literacy task is to create a wordbank of words and phrases for the rest of this weeks work.

Watch this video to hear Mrs Horton reading ‘Lila and The Secret of the Rain’ and follow her instructions Click Here  

To print the worksheet Click Here


Don’t forget to practise this weeks spelling pattern adding er to words ending in e. Try to use the spelling pattern in your everyday writing.


For today’s lesson complete the practical tasks whilst following  this Power-point

If you are unable to access the video use this  Link


This half term we will be learning about the Jewish religion. Your first task this week is to complete task 1 using This worksheet

Then work through the power-point below before completing task 2 on the worksheet.

R.E. Power-point


For this weeks P.E. at home, watch the video #This is PE with a Focus on Catching. You will need a pillowcase full of socks! Use this link

These are on You Tube, so please be mindful of safe internet use.


Practise your mental maths skills on a regular basis. Your log-in details are on the back of your reading diary.


Have a wonderful Wednesday!

The Year 2 Team

By |2021-02-22T14:09:23+00:00February 23rd, 2021|Year 2|

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