Good Morning
Yesterday was such a lovely bright and snowy day. I hope you found the time to get outside and have a play in the snow.
Thank you to everyone who has sent us an email with their diagram to show the moon’s orbit – from yesterday’s Science lesson. If you haven’t yet sent it to us, you still can – we’d love to see it. We will let you know about the other pieces of work that must be submitted via Teams or email. Remember, you are also welcome to send us any other work that you are proud of and would like to share using our year group email address
Have a lovely day.
Mrs Mitchell and Miss Healey 😊
Class 5H – Message from Miss Healey
I am looking forward to seeing you at our Class 5H Teams meeting today at 9:30am. Hopefully you have received an invitation to join me, and your classmates, on Teams. For our first meeting, my plan is to give you all the opportunity to have a go at using the ‘raise hand’ feature, unmuting (when you are asked to) and to say ‘hello’ to me and your classmates. I’d love it if you could share one sentence about something that’s made you smile since we last saw each other, when it’s your turn to say ‘hello’. See you at 9:3oam 😊.
Click here to watch Mrs Mitchell reading the next instalment of Wonder.
Guided Reading
Please click here to find your guided reading task for today.
Please click to watch your video lesson. Today follows on from yesterday’s lesson where you found words to describe the view from the moon. You will need your work, from yesterday, with you. All instructions for the task are included within the video.
Click here for today’s video where Miss Healey will take you through today’s lesson. You will need to click here for your Maths sheet and here for the answer sheet. (Remember to use this later to check your answers)
Please click here for the PowerPoint for today’s Music lesson about dynamics using music from ‘The Planets – Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus. Instructions for the task are included in the PowerPoint. You will just need a pencil and two pieces of paper.
Spelling Shed (through EdShed)
Please continue to practise the spellings/spelling rule that you focused on in Literacy last Friday (words with -cial). Spend a few minutes, each day, writing out your spellings. Then have a go at playing games on the EdShed website for 10 minutes each day.
Keep aiming to read for at least 10 minutes each day (longer if you would like to)
Times Tables Rock Stars
Logon to Times Tables Rock Stars to keep up your multiplication skills and earn yourself some extra coins.
Have a lovely day 😊.