Florence Nightingale visits Year 2!
The children came to school dressed in autumn colours and enjoyed lots of different activities!
Year 6 were transported back into the 1940's for their trip to Beaumanor where they took on the roles of wartime evacuees and experienced what life was like during this time. We spent the day learning about rationing while shopping for essentials to create a war time meal, listening and cracking codes in teams [...]
In our English lessons we have been reading a book called ‘Dear Teacher’ which is all about the (very imaginative) excuses Michael tells his teacher as to why he can't do his homework which he writes in a letter. We have been planning and writing our own letters to Mrs Toom, explaining why we can’t [...]
We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Year 2 and we have enjoyed every minute of it. We thought we'd share some of the fantastic things the children have been up to. In our art lessons we have been inspired by the artwork of L.S. Lowry sketching, painting and using pastels/charcoal to [...]
It was great to see both of our football teams back out on the pitch recently, as they took part in the Rushcliffe Autumn Tournament. Both teams played really well and made us as proud as ever by taking care of each other and showing great sportsmanship. The tournament is [...]
Thank you so much for all of your generous donations towards our harvest festival collection. It is so important to us to take care of our community, and we know that the Friary will be very grateful. This morning, the children have all enjoyed a special assembly [...]
This week we have read Pirate Pete and made up our own versions of the story. The children have walked the plank in Maths and ordered numbers, decorated parrots, made their own pirate hats and maps. They have also followed a map that Pirate Pablo left behind, to rescue Rainbow and Sunshine Bears who [...]
Following a record number of applications, our largest ever team of Sports Leaders had their first afternoon of training and planning for the year ahead today. We think they are going to be fabulous!
It was so lovely for Year 3 to end a wonderful Health Week with their EYFS buddies! During the afternoon, Year 3 prepared some healthy snacks to share with [...]