Year 5

Year 5 News

29 06, 2022

Health Week Day 3 – Year 5 Canoeing!

By |2022-07-01T09:59:25+01:00June 29th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Sporting News, Year 5|

Having started the day with some Active Travel to school, the Y5 children then spent a bit of time thinking about their Mental Health (thank you Mrs Lovett and your team) in assembly, before heading down to Holme Pierrepont to both watch the Freestyle World Championships and have a go at canoeing themselves. It's [...]

28 03, 2022

Y5 Greek Myths

By |2022-03-28T17:54:47+01:00March 28th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Year 5|

Having spend the last few weeks honing their writing skills, the year 5 children enjoyed sharing their Greek myths with each other. The teachers have all been so impressed with the children's [...]

27 01, 2022

Year 5 Home Learning – 27th January 2022

By |2022-03-04T15:34:12+00:00January 27th, 2022|Year 5|

Hello Year 5 I'm sorry that some of you have had to be at home this week.  I hope you are starting to feel better. If you are feeling a bit better, and feel ready to take a look at some of things that have been happening in Year 5 this week, here are [...]

6 01, 2022

What’s going on in Year 5 – Spring Term

By |2022-01-06T16:02:26+00:00January 6th, 2022|Year 5|

Our first few days back at school following Christmas have been great! We have been so impressed with the settled and mature way the children have returned to school and we are really looking to 2022! Please click the link below where you will find details of the main areas of work your child [...]

15 12, 2021

Fantastic Cross-country Running!

By |2021-12-15T13:37:21+00:00December 15th, 2021|Homepage Slider, Sporting News, Year 5, Year 6|

A few of our quickest Y5 and Y6 cross-country runners took part in the Rushcliffe Schools Cross-country Championships last week. All of the children were fabulous - they couldn't have tried harder and the parents and I were so proud of them! Well done in particular to Dylan in Y6 who qualified to represent Rushcliffe [...]

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