Our Curriculum Statement
At Abbey Road Primary School, our children experience a broad curriculum which aims to both deliver and go beyond the scope of the guidance of the National Curriculum. In addition to considering how best to deliver the statutory elements outlined, we have also invested a great deal of time and energy in personalising the provision so that it matches the needs and interests of our children. In doing so we have developed an ambitious curriculum, which aims to ensure that children leave us both as secure and fluent readers, writers and mathematicians and also with a breadth of knowledge and skills across the full range of curriculum subjects. Our curriculum is designed so that each subject is taught discretely and delivered through its own subject specific lens. It has been planned to ensure that there is clarity over the key knowledge taught within each year group and that this builds progressively through the child’s journey through school. As well as learning the key knowledge and vocabulary, we deliver each subject to include it’s subject specific disciplines, or lenses, which promote the specific skills needed to become a ‘historian’ or ‘artist’ for example. As a result, children become well rounded learners ready to succeed at secondary school.
Lessons are structured so that they are engaging and challenging for all learners, whilst building sequentially to deepen and secure understanding of the key knowledge and vocabulary. New knowledge is linked to prior and future learning and regular retrieval and consolidation activities are build into lessons. In some curriculum areas, Knowledge Organisers are used as a way of children supporting children to secure their understanding of key learning points and vocabulary. This knowledge is not just learnt in isolation, we also aim that children have a secure grasp of wider substantive concepts which thread through each subject. For example, within our history curriculum children continually build their understanding of key concepts such as invasion, democracy and monarchy.
The guidance around the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 can be found here: National Curriculum
For Religious Education teaching, we follow the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus (2020-26). More information can be found via the link to this subject area on the right.
In our Early Years Foundation Stage, children are taught to develop skills in the prime areas of; Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language. Alongside these, they develop skills in the specific areas of Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. The ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ are planned into all activities to ensure engagement through playing and exploring, motivation through active learning, and thinking through creating and thinking critically. In EYFS we follow planning from ‘Development Matters’ and have detailed plans in place for each subject area. Further detail can be found via the link to this area on the right.
The guidance from Development Matters can be found here.: Development Matters
A map of the topics covered at Abbey Road, can be found via the following link: Whole school map and you can find more detailed plans for each year group by clicking on the ‘overview’ documents below.
PSHE (Personal, Social, and Health Education) forms an integral part of the curriculum too. It provides pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens. At Abbey Road, we follow the Jigsaw scheme for PSHE. More information can be found via the link to this curriculum area on the right.