Good morning everyone,

Well we’ve all made it to the end of another week, so we wish you a…

Fantastic Friday.

Our morning greeting has an extra add-in today so make sure you don’t miss it. As always keep sending in photos and emails – we love to see your work and how much you are enjoying it.

Remember to keep as active as you can,  what are your plans for this weekend. Let’s hope we have a little bit of sunshine to dry up some of that rain – more of that this afternoon in Science!

Remember you’ll be finishing your Teams assignment today, so don’t forget to hit the “Turn in” button when you’re finished. We’re looking forward to reading those this weekend. 

We’ve pasted a quick reminder of your daily routine here to help you keep track of what you should do next.

After watching your morning greeting, with Mrs Avery

click on the link below to continue with your Guided Reading:


Warm-up: Keep practicing your spellings. Use Edshed – we know there have been some ongoing technical issues but let us know if you’re having any difficulties. This week: adding the suffix “-ation”. Remember to give yourself a text and email the results to us at

Main task: Your activity today is to complete the writing task in Teams. Today you’ll have time to finish your writing and then we’ll step you through an edit and improve session. Remember to either submit your work for feedback through your Teams – press “Turn in” after you press close, or email us your work at

Friday writing input: English finish, edit and improve


Warm-up: Keep practicing your times-tables. We’ve been doing lots of work on these now, so I’m sure you’re all becoming experts. Keep up the work on Times-Tables Rockstars or whatever method works for you. Give yourself a test and let us know how you got on.

Main task: Today we’ll continue our work on Multiplication and Division with Mr Marshall. Today we’ll be exploring multiplying 3 numbers.

Watch the video:

Answer the questions: Multiply 3 numbers worksheet

Check the answers: Multiply 3 numbers worksheet answers

Science: States of Matter: Is water always wet?

This week you’ll be learning about and exploring the factors that can effect evaporation. You’ll probably need a little adult help to set up your investigation and it may take some time to complete. |Be patient, wait until your grown-up has time to help you and have fun.

Information and some helpful hint (hopefully) are included in the following power-point/PDF.

To see the short film clip on the first slide you’ll need to download the power-point.

Science evaporation investigation powerpoint

Science evaporation investigation pdf

That’s it, you’ve made it to the end of Fantastic Friday. We hope you have had a great week and will have a super weekend. See you on Monday –  what will we call it!