Good morning, 

How are you all doing? We’ve been so impressed with how you are getting on with the tasks and activities we are asking you to do but also the super quality of your work.  Well done everyone! 😊

Today, there are Teams meetings as follows:

5H – Your meeting is at 9:30am

5DM – Your meeting is at 11:00am

It would be great if you could come ready to share something that you’ve enjoyed doing this week. This could be a school task that you’ve enjoyed, or could be something unrelated to school, such as a particularly good bike ride or a nice virtual catch-up with a friend or family member.  It’s up to you.  So that we can make sure everybody has a chance to talk, please think of something that’s quick to share . We’re looking forward to seeing you later. 😊


Click here to watch the next part of the story.  It’s ‘Part 7’: Miranda.

Guided Reading

Please click here for today’s guided reading task.


Today we would like you to view, and then submit,  your assignment on Teams.  The lesson is about how to write your final version of the descriptive writing piece that you have been working on this week.  If you cannot access the lesson on Teams, click here for video.


Today, you will continue to explore division. Please click here for your video lesson, then, when you are asked to do so, please use this worksheet today. When you are ready to check your answers.


Get your paints ready (cling film will come in handy too) ready for the next stage with your artwork.  Please click on this PowerPoint which will guide you with what to do.  (Click here for pdf version if you need to)


Keep playing on TTRS as well as the division games that can be accessed by clicking here and here. Keeping all of these facts fresh in your brain will continue to support you in lessons. and


Keep playing on Spelling Shed to revise this week’s spelling rule.

Daily Reading

We hope you’re enjoying a good book at the moment!  Do you have any recommendations for others in Year 5.  Let us know if you have.

Stay Active

How will you keep yourself moving today? Whatever you choose to do, we hope you are able to enjoy being active today.  If you would like to, send us photo, of how you are staying active.

Have a lovely day, and weekend.  Remember, if you ever want to share any of your work, or photos, with us send it to