Good Morning

We hope that you are all okay and ready for your next day of home learning.  Hopefully, today will be less rainy and you might be able to get a little bit of fresh air.  I hear that the sun might even shine.

Thank you for all the work you have been sending in.  It has been great to read all your ideas for you newly discovered planet and see what you have thought about with the music you have listened to.  Today, we are asking you to submit your finished piece of writing (about your planet) on Teams. We can’t wait to read them.

Below you will find your activities and lessons for today.

Have a lovely day.


Mrs Mitchell and Miss Healey 😊


Click here to watch Mrs Mitchell reading the next instalment of Wonder.

Mrs Toom’s Assembly 

Click here to watch Mrs Toom’s next ‘inspiring people’ assembly.

Guided Reading

Please click here to find your guided reading task for today.


Please click here for the video lesson which will guide you through some ideas of how to present your piece of writing about your planet.  You can handwrite or use a computer.  Just remember to upload onto Teams and click ‘turn in’.


Click here for today’s video where Miss Healey will take you through today’s lesson. You will need to click here for your Maths worksheet and you can find the Thursday Maths Answers (1).(Remember to use this later).


You will be continuing with your learning about ‘Los Planetas’.  Click here for the video lesson and then click here for the Vocabulary list that Miss Healey will talk about towards the end of the lesson.

 Spelling Shed (through EdShed)

Please continue to practise the spellings/spelling rule that you focused on in Literacy last Friday (words with -cious) by playing games on the EdShed website for 10 minutes each day.


Thank you to everyone who has told us about a great book they are reading.  Try to read for at least 10 minutes each day.

Times Tables Rock Stars

Logon to Times Tables Rock Stars to keep up your multiplication skills and earn yourself some extra coins.

Have a lovely day.