We’re very sorry that we aren’t all in school together and that it looks like we’ll be learning from home for a while.  

This half term we have lots of fun and exciting lessons planned and we’re looking forward to jumping into our new topics! We know that learning from home can be tricky at times but we would really like you to follow the plans that we post on here. Each lesson will build on the one that came before it and so it is important that you try not to miss out any.  

We love to see the work that you complete at home! As well as having assignments to  do on Teams, you can send us pictures and messages using our Year 6 e-mail address: year6@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk. As a practice at logging into Teams and completing an assignment, we have set you a simple task to complete this week. Login to find out more!

Top tips for home learning: 

Make sure you have a designated workspace that has all the equipment you’ll need “your office”. It doesn’t matter where it is so long as you are comfortable to work there. There’s nothing more distracting than having to get up every two minutes to find something else so, just as we do at school, make sure you have your pencil sharpened, a rubber, a ruler, a drink and whatever else you can think of. Try to keep to a similar routine each day – starting school at the same time. Routines help us feel calm and so do your best to stick to a daily timetable. You could use the one below if you want, or you could design your own. 

Before 9:00 – Wake up, have breakfast and tidy your room 

9:00 – PE with Joe Wicks 

9:30 – Maths 

10:15 – Take a break 

10:45 – English task 

11:30 – Reading your own book 

12:00 – Break for lunch  

1:00 – Time for more school work 

2:00- Creative play or mindfulness (legocolouring, craft, cooking, music, get some exercise) 



We are going to continue the ‘Talk For Writing’ unit that you started yesterday.  

For English today, we would like you to do Activity 6 – Comprehension. Read the text (or listen to it) and then answer the questions. 


Yesterday, you should have started looking at decimalsToday, we are going to recap our knowledge of place value and 3 decimal places. This may cover some of what you did yesterday. Watch the video below and complete the worksheet. If you are unable to print the worksheet, just write the answers in your workbook. 

Click here for today’s video      |          Today’s worksheet     |        Today’s answers

If you would like more maths to do, click here for an optional extension activity. 


For English this week, we are looking at the Magical Door. Look at Activity 3 in the Talk for Writing  document. Which design do you like best? Have a go at drawing, painting or creating your own door. Send us photos of any finished pieces to year6@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk so we can see your ideas 😊  


Use this booklet to find out what we’ll be covering in computing this half term.  



Don’t forget that you have a Teams assignment to complete before the end of the week. Login to Teams to see the details.


Use the Talk for Writing document and complete activity 7. This activity looks at the pattern of 3 (rule of 3), semi-colons and adverbs. Read through the descriptions in the activities before completing the tasks mentioned.  (This video may support with the understanding of semi-colons https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zshfdxs copy and paste the link into your web browser to view)

Then, use the knowledge you have learned to write sentences about the image below. Write a minimum of 3 sentences that include the 3 elements that you have practiced: at least one using a semi-colon, one using rule of three, and one using an adverb.

As an optional extra complete activities 4 and 5 from the Talk for Writing document.


Today we are looking at multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. If you are unable to print the worksheet, just write the answers in your workbook. 

Today’s video            |         Worksheet         |        Answers  

Worksheet answers: 

If you would like more maths to do, click here for an optional extension activity.  


We are starting our new topic this half term: dreams and goals. Use this booklet to explore your strengths and begin setting your own goals for yourself. PSHE lessons often lend themselves to lots of discussion – if you are able to, discuss the questions shown in the PowerPoint with a family member.  


Teams Assignment

A number of people have still not completed their Teams assignment for this week. We plan to have Teams assignments multiple times a week and so we want to know that you understand how they work and how to complete them. Please make sure that you log in today and complete it so that we can be sure everyone knows how to do this in the future.


Use the  Talk for Writing document and look at Activity 8. Create your own character and write a short, descriptive paragraph based on seeing a mysterious door through the eyes of your character. To help, there is a model shown in the document which you can follow. Write your paragraph either on Microsoft Word or in your book. For feedback, please send either a photograph of your work or your Word document to year6@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk 


Today we are looking at dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. If you are unable to print the worksheet, just write the answers in your workbook. 

Today’s video         |           Worksheet            |          Answers

If you would like more maths to do, click here for an optional extension activity. 

Each Friday, there will also be a Flashback Friday sheet! This is optional, but if you would like to complete it, click here.


This half term we are going to launch into a new topic – The Circulatory System. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means yet! We’ll learn together over the coming weeks.  

To start off, we’ll recap what you know from previous years in school. Read through this booklet and follow the instructions.  The worksheet for today’s lesson was delivered in your school pack this week.


¡ Hola! This week, we are going to recap our knowledge from last half term (subjects at school). Use this link to practice having a conversation about favourite subjects. Then, interview 2 members of your family about their favourite subject. If it is a an adult, they can answer about what they used to enjoy in school. 


If you have any questions or have work to submit, please send an email to year6@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk 

Kind regards, 

The Year 6 Team