
About dommarshall

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So far dommarshall has created 69 blog entries.
6 01, 2022

What’s going on in Year 5 – Spring Term

By |2022-01-06T16:02:26+00:00January 6th, 2022|Year 5|

Our first few days back at school following Christmas have been great! We have been so impressed with the settled and mature way the children have returned to school and we are really looking to 2022! Please click the link below where you will find details of the main areas of work your child [...]

15 10, 2021

National Justice Museum

By |2021-10-19T08:22:15+01:00October 15th, 2021|Homepage Slider, Year 5|

Year 5 had the opportunity to visit the National Justice Museum to continue their learning on Crime and Punishment through the ages. They had an amazing day learning about ‘Transportation’, putting on their own trial and looking at a range of different punishments. A great day had by all! [...]

27 09, 2021

Victorian Afternoon

By |2021-09-27T13:29:48+01:00September 27th, 2021|Homepage Slider, Special Events, Year 5|

The Year 5 children ended their Victorian with taking part in a Victorian afternoon. The children were met by the strict Mr Marshall and taken into a Victorian classroom where they learnt about money, handwriting and geography. With Mrs Mitchell, the children had the opportunity to test their hand at oakum picking, stone marbles [...]

9 09, 2021

What’s going on in Year 5 – Autumn Term

By |2021-09-09T14:03:10+01:00September 9th, 2021|Year 5|

Our first few days back at school have been great! We have been so impressed with the settled and mature way the children have returned to school and we are really looking forward to getting to know them better. Please click the link below where you will find details of the main areas of [...]

9 07, 2021

Year 4 Anglo Saxon Brooches

By |2021-07-09T15:49:02+01:00July 9th, 2021|Year 4|

Well done to Year 4 for their fabulous Anglo-Saxon Brooches. During this term, the children have learnt all about Anglo Saxon clothing and how they did not use zips or buttons to fasten their clothes. The children looked at a range of different brooches and created their own using metal and tools. We were [...]

30 06, 2021

Year 4 Viking Day

By |2021-07-01T14:17:25+01:00June 30th, 2021|Homepage Slider, Year 4|

Wow, what an amazing Viking day the children of year 4 have experienced. Our day started all together with a Raiders session, learning about the different weapons and armour the Vikings wore.  It was great to hear the children sharing the knowledge they had learned during our previous sessions. We know that some of [...]

4 03, 2021

Friday 5th March

By |2021-03-04T15:11:32+00:00March 4th, 2021|Year 4|

Good morning everyone, Well we’ve all made it to the end of another week, and made it to the end of our home/school learning journey. We cannot wait to see all of you on Monday morning. We think you are…..FANTASTIC! We are very proud of all the hard work you have been doing at [...]

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