Hi everybody,
We hope you’re all ok Have you been having a nice week? We hope you have. We know that you’re all working so hard and we are both so proud of you. Thank you to those of you who have emailed examples of your work to us this week. We always enjoy seeing what you’ve produced so remember that you can email anything you would like to share with us to the year5@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk email address.
5DM, you have a Teams meeting today at 2:30pm with Mrs Mitchell. Do you have something ready to show everyone and tell the class about? It is up to you what you ‘Show and Tell’. It could be a piece of work, a pet, a game you like to play or anything you think is suitable to share with everyone.
Here are your lessons and tasks for today:
Click here to watch Mrs Mitchell reading a few more chapters of Wonder.
Guided Reading
Please continue with yesterday’s guided reading task. Today you need to answer questions 6-10. As we said yesterday, tomorrow we will share the answers so that you have time to go back and reflect on what you have written. Here’s the document in case you need to download it again (PDF version).
Today you will recap ‘expanded noun phrases’. Last week, we enjoyed reading some examples of these in your descriptive writing, so now we are wondering if you can identify them in different contexts? Can you spot different word classes that are used to create them? Please click here for your video lesson. Here is the worksheet that you will need and a (PDF version).
In today’s maths lesson, you will continue to explore division. Today, you will apply your knowledge to different problems. Please click here to watch the video introduction before moving on to the questions (PDF version). Here are the answers (PDF version) for when you are ready to check your work. If you have time to, and didn’t have a go at it yesterday, here is the extra challenge. This will require you to think back and use your multiplication knowledge to help you. Here are the answers to the extra challenge.
We would like you to submit your Spanish work through Teams today. Please login to Teams now view your assignment. If you can access Teams at home, you don’t need to keep on reading! If, for any reason, you are unable to access Teams, please click here for today’s video lesson and click onto one of these ‘Microsoft Forms’ links, when you are ready to answer questions from Sections 2, 3 and 4 (this will make sense once you watch the video) 5H Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=XWbxoggSYkKv3ND7MkkAsq05mrMMRo9Ivh4ynfbEMG9UMERFSlNFQ01YWU01WlY4MkJQQkxMM1Q2Sy4u 5DM Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=XWbxoggSYkKv3ND7MkkAsl85SFjjN_FGt-tBB9VYskxURDNDSVlBMlNFU1lCN1NJRkFEN1VMMDcxTC4u . To complete Section 1, please click here to view the phrases that you need to have a go at pronouncing. You could record yourself speaking the phrases and email you recording to us using the year5@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk email address. If you are using Teams, you will not need to email anything to us, everything is explained on your Teams Assignment .
Today’s task is to evaluate your artwork so please ensure you have it in front of you before your start to work through the evaluation sheet (PDF version). If you can, please take a photo of your artwork and insert it onto your evaluation sheet. We would love to see your artwork and read your evaluations, so please email them to us on year5@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk
Have a wonderful day, we are really looking forward to seeing your Spanish and artwork
Miss Healey and Mrs Mitchell