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14 06, 2024

Our Last Pupil Parliament for 2023/24!

By |2024-06-14T21:10:52+01:00June 14th, 2024|Homepage Slider, School Council|

What an eventful last Pupil Parliament we had today!  Our Pupil Parliament reps had a wonderful time.  The afternoon started with an inspiration talk by Sam Oldham, an Olympian gymnast.  The children were transfixed and listened to every word.  Sam spoke to the children about how when he was young he had a lot [...]

3 06, 2024

Minibeasts Summer 1 Reception Class

By |2024-06-03T18:04:17+01:00June 3rd, 2024|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

We have had a busy half term in Reception. It started with picking up litter for World Earth Day. We hunted for minibeasts  and learnt lots of key knowledge about them. We ended the half term with a double wedding to show how Christians celebrate marriage in church.

4 05, 2024

2ML’s trip to Beaumanor Hall

By |2024-05-04T09:31:13+01:00May 4th, 2024|Homepage Slider, News, Year 2|

On Tuesday 23rd April, 2ML arrived at school with the largest suitcases possible, ready for our residential trip to Beaumanor Hall in Leicestershire. We travelled by coach and on arrival, we got started straight away with a bird identification hunt. Then we went into the woods and did a minibeast / invertebrates hunt where [...]

23 04, 2024

2WP’s Trip to Beaumanor Hall

By |2024-04-29T22:05:55+01:00April 23rd, 2024|Homepage Slider, News, Year 2|

2WP enjoyed a wet, yet wonderful, couple of days at Beaumanor Hall. The children thoroughly enjoyed a wide range of nature-rich activities including: identifying bird song, creating nature art, bug hunting, toasting marshmallows on a camp fire, archery and den building. We are so proud of how the children embraced this awesome experience. [...]

18 04, 2024

Year 3- moving dragons using a pneumatic system!

By |2024-04-18T17:01:06+01:00April 18th, 2024|Homepage Slider, Year 3|

This week Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about pneumatic systems and how they work. On Monday we used a stomp rocket to show when the air is compressed it causes the rocket to launch. We then explored how air pressure can be used to produce and control movement using syringes, tubes and [...]

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